Wednesday, February 8, 2012

EMAIL CHAT 2/8/12……….

It's good to have the Curl back.....we really do get along well.....

Here are some things from this week:

1. We still don't have a car.... my hips now kill me and we will be hitting our one month walking soon! So I truly hope we get one soon, it's affecting our work.

2. Give Mare my email so she can email me.   (Jessie’s friend who came home from her mission in January.)

3. We celebrated our sweet 16 together. This Monday Hermana Curl and I had the chance to celebrate 16 months on the mission. We ate pancakes and then for lunch we went to Chili's.   (You may remember that Jessie and Hermana Curl were companions for all 9 weeks of their MTC experiences.)

4. Alvero went to church this Sunday for the second time and will be attending the stake conference this weekend.  YAH!!!  Pray for him that soon he will be baptized, especially this month.............

5. Zory and Marcano from Trujillo Alto are getting married and Baptized this Saturday..... FINALLY....took long enough and enough missionaries... but the day has come.... we are waiting to see if we can receive permission to go to the wedding and their baptism. She said she wanted all the missionaries... they're even Skyping the ones who have already left. Crazy eh....

6. I am still sick with a bad cough.... very mucousy and green.... I have had a nasty cough my entire mission....

7. We were walking and we had a man in a truck honk at us and then he turned around and stopped. We were a little nervous, then he offered a ride.... then we were like no, and we noticed he had his daughter in the back. Then he said oh I figured you needed a ride to church cuz you were all dressed up and I'm going to church (Pentecostal).... at least we got to contact him.  LOL.   It was a nice thought!

8. It Rains brutally every day.

9. I'm getting fatter. Go figure.  I walked miles every day. LOL.

10. And I don't know what more

(I asked if she ended up getting a ride from the man……)   We didn't get a ride because it was single man and we can't.

(About the ‘getting fatter’ comment………..)   And we eat a ton of junk food. LOL..... we compared it to tithing... considering how much we eat we should be fatter... so the Lord makes us fat by 10% and then we receive the blessings of eating a lot of junky food with only 10% fatness.  LOL.
I figured that out when I estimated really how much chocolate I eat and how I'm not obese.


16 month celebration with Hermana Curl

sharing the word of God with all the world

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