Saturday, October 16, 2010

Jessie's Testimony (received in the mail 10/16/10)

Today Jessie sent us her written testimony of the gospel of Jesus Christ.    Since she is in the Missionary Training Center learning Spanish so she can communicate with the people of Puerto Rico and its surrounding islands, she sent us her testimony in Spanish.   I don't know Spanish and Jessie is still learning, so please forgive any blatant grammatical or spelling errors.   I simply typed what I thought I read on her handwritten note.   For those of us who don't speak or read Spanish I will try to get this translated and then post the translation, too.

I forgot to share my testimony with you madre,

Me gustaría compartor mi testamonio con usted ese se´que Jesucristo es el hijo de Dios y él murío por las persononas en el mundo.   Jesuchristo tuvó el expiación por mis percados y dar felicidades.   Sé que Dios o mi Padre Celestial es un amoroso Padre Celestial y él envío nos aqui aprender y progresar en nos vidas.   Creó que José Smith y Thomas S Monson es llamadieron de Dios y tambien el evangelio es verdadero sé que la iglesia de Jesucristo de los santos de los ultimos días es verdadero y el libro de Mormón tambien.    Se que nos Padre Celestial ama sus hijos!   En el nombre de Jesucristo.   Amen.                                                           
My dear friend, Rossana, translated Jessie's testimony for us.  
Here's the English version:

I would like to share my testimony with you: I know Jesus Christ is the Son of God, and I know He died for the people of this world. Jesus Christ atoned for my sins and gives me happiness. I know God, my Heavenly Father, is a loving father, and He sent us here to learn and to progress in this life. I know Joseph Smith and Thomas S. Monson have been called of God, and that this gospel is true. I know that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is true, and so is the Book of Mormon. I know our Heavenly Father loves His children! In the name of Jesus Christ. Amen

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