Quriedo Madre....
Sorry I haven't been able to write much, just not enough time, but I heard once I'm on the field I can write letters everyday, and my email time is not limited, and my pday is things my companion and i wanna do, not set, so in less than two weeks it should get better. I've taught every lesson basically in spanish, hard, but managing. Its hard cuz I don't feel like I'm, improving, but I hope once I'm in the field my spanish will sky rocket. So we have had the Latinos here for one week and they are cool, very outgoing crowd and easier to communicate with compared to the Haitians (the Haitians didn’t speak any English or Spanish). I forgot to tell you when the night before the Haitians left we all stood opposite directions and sang God be with us til we meet again... I lost it, complete waterfall. I just had such a love for them and my heart cared for them so much, I hope they are just enjoying every moment of their missions now. Actually speaking of Haitians I got an email from Lou that he is still in Provo cuz his sinuses are acting out.... he went to the doctor and he is now waiting for the doctor’s results to get his antibiotics so he can leave crazy eh. He was supposed to leave on the 22nd, but now he will be probably leaving the same day as me. Anyways the Latinos are cool and we have one Latino sister, her name is Hm. Moldovo and she is a cutie, very outgoing and spiritual. We get along well and she's fun to be around. She speaks both spanish and english which is nice and hard because I speak more english with her instead of spanish lol which I’m not complaining, but I definitely need to practice lol.
Today i had the chance to do initiatories for the second time at the DR temple and after we did an endowment session, and actually we didn't go with the rest of the Americans cuz the elders only did an endowment so we went with the Latins for a spanish session.... shows you how fluent I am eh..... chiste we had the sweet translator headphones because we don't know spanish at all. It was cool tho I liked it... but I'm not gonna lie I'm so pooped out doing both of them. Also another cool thing the president and his wife were in the session with us. They were the witness couple. And because today is the day of thanks, turkey day, thanksgiving, el dia de accion de gracias, etc.... we have a full blown thanksgiving meal... Cool huh?? So we haven’t had it yet but at lunch they kept telling us don't eat to much... "you’re having a big dinner." So we're excited and wondering if we are going to eat a lot of turkey how do they expect us to stay awake for our classes tonight no se!
So all our devotionals are now in spanish and I am always lost. I understand it until my brain hurts from translating and then I just give up and zone while they keep talking I know that’s not a good thing, but hey there is so much my swiss cheese brain can do at a time. So I don't know if I told you about Fabrice at the university the Haitian that we contacted and tried teaching? It was a rough lesson we tried teaching, but he was interested in learning more. He spoke english too which was nice. Well we contacted him on the phone and he was (not) able to make it, which definitely was a bummer because we were so excited to teach him this lesson we prepared that we hope would help him. He said this Friday which i hope hope hope he can make it. We REALLY BADLY wanna teach him!!!! We were going to teach him about Christ as our shepherd and he needs to gather all his sheep in his fold, and how there is a great light, a great truth other than the bible, and that is the restored gospel and the Book of Mormon. So please pray we will have the opportunity to teach him. Cool story which we hope happens too, so last Friday we went to the university to contact and both of us felt prompted to go and talk to this girl sitting on the bench. We talked to her and tried to speak spanish lol, anyways we tried applying this principle or way of teaching we learned in class with her of really getting to know her and try to pick out a need. So we found out her family is half catholic and half christian and sometimes its hard on the family to have both. We talked about the gospel and how it blesses our families, we explained about the book of mormon and some of the gospel, and how her Heavenly father loves her so much and wants the best for her family. Then she said to us.... before you came to talk to me, I was sad, but now talking with you I am happier and feeling better. So we were glad we could comfort her and hope what she was feeling was the Spirit, cuz we definitely felt the spirit strongly. So we have an appointment to teach her tomorrow too along with Fabrice, so we hope they show up and help them!!! They both seem like great people. She even asked us where was the church.... her name is Lisabeth.
Your little curly haired one-